Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Liar, Liar!!!

Good Morning Fam!!!

This morning while I was doing my morning routine(pray,sit ups, push ups, pray,read Proverbs and shower)I discovered something while I was reading my daily Proverbs. I read a Proverb for that day's date. So today being the 24Th of March, I read Proverbs Chapter 24. As I was reading I got the 26Th Verse and I got stuck there for a minute. Proverbs 24:26 says, "An honest answer, is like a kiss on the lips". This stuck out to me for some reason and I began to think about why people lie. See I know for myself, that something I used to do was lie because I didn't want to hurt the person's feelings, but what ends up happening is that I would hurt them worse. Ok check out this example of what I mean, so there was a time where I didn't have my half of the rent and my wife asked me what was up with it. I told her that I was going to take care of it. So then I went out was trying to hustle it up from where ever. Some days go by and she'll ask again and I would say," I got it". So then when it was time for me to put in the bank and I didn't have it. So then she would ask me, "Why didn't you just tell me that you didn't have it?". I would feel so bad, because I could see the hurt in her face. See right there now she's hurt more because I lied to her. I understand now to just be upfront, there probably will be some initial sadness or hurt but it will wear off more quickly than if you were to lie and keep the lie going. See some people think if you lied to me about this small thing, then what else are you lying to me about? I believe this is what this scripture is saying. See it's good feeling to tell the truth, I mean we all know the second part of John 8:32, "Then you will know the truth, and THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE". This saying is the truest saying ever!!! See I had to learn this the hard way, but I did learn.(Some people NEVER learn) See I believe if you tell the truth people can respect you more. This is why it's important to do this. "Honest answer is like a kiss on the lips". There is nothing better than a kiss on the lips. You can tell a lot by a kiss on the lips. Most people like kissing so much that it actually is a big turn on for them. I believe that telling the truth and kissing go hand in hand. As I come to close(Don't you love it when a Pastor or Preacher says this, because you know he got about 15 to 20 minutes left!!!!) next time you feel the need to lie, think about this, "Lying is like a kiss with no feeling it leaves you and the other person empty, but the telling the Truth is like kiss where you close your eyes and mean it and it leaves the you and the other person feeling mmm, mmm, Good!!!" Well that's it for today have a great day and be Honest with yourself and People!!!

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