Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Good Morning Fam!!!!!!!!!!

-Me in Palos Verdes!!! Man it was nice!!!

So I didn't have the time to get my blog on yesterday. So before I get into what I am going to talk about this morning I gotta recap the weekend. So Friday night I worked a dance at the high school I work at. It was cool, I was tripping out because they were playing 80's music. I had to ask them what they know about that? I mean they knew every word to almost ever song. That tripped me out. So anyway that night I got home and I had a chance to look at Amos and Andy. They were way before there time with the jokes and quick deliveries. I then went to bathroom and looked in the mirror(I'm Talking To The Man In Mirror, OOO OOO, I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways!!!!! Man I think Mike was trying to tell us something way back then!!!! LOL!!). You what I saw? This dude with hair!!!!!!!! Man I was like what in the hell was I thinking. That's not who am I. I am the dude with the grooves in his head that all the kids are intrigued by. So I cut it off. I felt so much better after I did. OK Sat was good to I did a wedding in Palos Verdes on the cliff over looking the coastline. Very beautiful. Of course I went church on sunday and played for three services!!!!(Come and Visit www.Nuphilly.org) OK so that was my weekend, let's move on to my topic for today. Choices!!!!

So I was driving into work this morning I saw one of my students at the bus stop, so I stopped and asked if he wanted a ride because it was super cold this morning. So he hop's in the Grand Daddy Truck and we roll on to school. So I asked him how he was doing and replied great. He was excited that he got all his stuff together and was ready for graduation. He was explaining to me that he made up his mind to take of his business and graduate. Also did I mention he is going to be the first in his family to do so!! Man I was so proud of this young man. I have been knowing since 7th grade and now to see him about to walk into man hood is really something. He chose to take care of his business and do the things he wants to do. See God give us choices in life. Example you can choose to serve Him or choose not too. Each one has a consequence, one is good the other is bad. You decide. See Joshua 24:15 says, "But if the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But has for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" This so true you don't have to choose what your fathers, mothers or whoever chose to do, the choice is yours. Heaven or Hell???(I think I'll take Heaven for $500 Alex) The group Blacksheep had some insight to this as well, "You can get with this or you can get with that, you can get with this or you can get with that, you can get with this or you can get with that, you can get with this, cause this is where it's at."(chorus from "The Choice Is Yours") Even the group(the Pharcyde) who I play drums for has a song called "Choices". See everyone knows it but some people don't do it!!! The choice between rather to do something right or wrong most of the time is a no brainier. When you really look at it most of the time it's common sense. Don't eat this, don't run the red light, don't speed and so on and so forth. Today make some right choices!!!! If everyone where to make the right decisions we wouldn't be where we are now but then God allowed it right??? Think about it. Have a great day I'll holla!!!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

And The I's Have It!!!!!!!!

Good Morning Fam!!!!

Ok I have to quickly talk about something before I move on to my topic for the morning. Yesterday I went to enroll in school at Musicians Institute in Hollywood. So me living in the CPT I caught the metro to save money on gas and parking. So this is what I noticed, the metro has become like a "Moving Swapmeet", I say that because like every other stop someone was getting on selling something. From candy to tamales(when the fast is over this will be on of my stops!!) to clothes to jewelry. I was just amazed by the hustle. I can't knock them for trying to make that money especially in the state that were in right now. Keep Hustling!!!!

Ok now on to my topic for the morning, "And The I's Have It!" Ok so I was talking to some of my friends last night and we began to talk about some different situations kinda all dealing with selfishness. So I gotta talk about it this morning. Selfishness is probably on of the worse things a person can be. I say this because those people who are, really have some issues. How can you ever be blessed if you are selfish? See it can't always be about me, myself and I(Great Song By De La Soul). Yes sometimes you have to do stuff for yourself and I am all for that. But what about when your mate wants to do something and because of your selfishness or jealousy you turn your nose up to it and tell them no or discourage them not to do it. Example, A friend of mind was telling me last night that there significant other was against them continuing their education. They explained that they said,"Well what about me? What I am supposed to do while your doing that?" They went on and on about how they shouldn't go on with it. I was in shock that a mate would even say something like that. I explained that don't they see the benefits of doing this. Yes it's a sacrifice right now(man Jesus sacrificed His Life, I mean come on if He can do that for us....), but in the long run it will pay off. Building for the future is always important. Then another one of my friends told me the it was the same with them. They were in school and their mate told them to drop out and just work full time instead of trying to do both. Who in the hell tells their mate to drop out school?? People what is going on here? Why can't we celebrate and encourage each other to do the things that will enhance us has people? You know this made me think about this movie with Aaliyah(She Was Fine & Talented RIP) called "Romeo Must Die". In the movie you have two mobsters(one Asian, one Black)who sent there right hand men to gain property so they can get a big pay day by this investment company who wants the property for a football stadium. Anyway there was a scene when the black right hand man went to obtain some property from this fisherman. They right hand man tells the dude to sign over the property, the fisherman tells him no. He then pulls out a gun and force's him to sign. The fisherman tells the right hand man has he is walking away, "It's sad that we got be like these crabs, every time one tries to get out another pulls it back down." It's sad that people have this mentally. Philippians 2:3 says,"Do nothing out of selfish ambition, or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself." That right there should tell you that we need to be considerate of others Especially your mate. We have to come out the CRAB mentality. Some one once told me that you can't be blessed, with a closed hand. Open your hand and let God put something amazing in it!!! Today encourage someone other than yourself!!! The I's don't always have it!! Holla!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stop Before You Go To Far!!!

Good Morning Fam!!!!!!

OK so I didn't blog on yesterday, I just didn't have anything to blog about. I feel like I don't want to just put up some crap!!!

OK so let's get to today's blog. This morning I want to talk about going to far. As I do every morning I read a Proverb for that day's date. So today while reading I came across this scripture Proverbs 27:12 says, " The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get into trouble". OK I read this I said to myself mmmm this is a very true scripture. Why is that even though we know we shouldn't do something, we do it anyway? You know I can remember on a few occasions doing something and being like man why did I do that. Then after I did it I felt like crap!! Example(I did this one more than once) I would get off work late from working at the club(yes I was bouncer look at the picture duh!!!) and I would say to myself the whole time I'm driving home,"Bert, don't stop get anything to eat!". So I would say to this myself like 20 times to get in my head. But what would happen? I would stop and get something anyway. Were not talk bout like just a burger or fries I'm talking bout the whole left side of the menu!!!!!! OK no but man I would pig out!!!(thank God for deliverance from that demon!!) Then what happens I would wake up like a couple hours later with heartburn or diarrhea(it's gross but true!) Wifee would wake up and be like you OK? Of course I would say yes, but she knew. She would tell me man you be snacking!!(hints right there that I was gaining weight and she was being turned off by it and probably the eating to, see my blog titled "One Accord") It was true. But that's the consequence's of going to far. Now look at the flip side. So once I stopped doing the late night eating(OK I do it every once and a while but I don't order the left side of the menu, I get the right side.....LOL Just Playing!!) I begin to notice I felt better in the morning, I slept better at night, I didn't have any heartburn anymore and I started noticing some weight loss!! See I think we can definitely apply this in our everyday lives. When you feel the need to do the most.........STOP think about the consequences of it. Ask yourself what am I accomplishing by doing this? Will this hurt or help me? What impact will it have on me now or in the future? Just remember God gives us choice you can choose to do wrong or choose to do right it's up to you. But trust me you'll feel much better if you choose right. If your not sure about it seek God, He will lead you in the right direction. OK well I'm done, hey I hope that this helps someone. Hey today(& everyday) think before you make some choices. I'll Holla!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Liar, Liar!!!

Good Morning Fam!!!

This morning while I was doing my morning routine(pray,sit ups, push ups, pray,read Proverbs and shower)I discovered something while I was reading my daily Proverbs. I read a Proverb for that day's date. So today being the 24Th of March, I read Proverbs Chapter 24. As I was reading I got the 26Th Verse and I got stuck there for a minute. Proverbs 24:26 says, "An honest answer, is like a kiss on the lips". This stuck out to me for some reason and I began to think about why people lie. See I know for myself, that something I used to do was lie because I didn't want to hurt the person's feelings, but what ends up happening is that I would hurt them worse. Ok check out this example of what I mean, so there was a time where I didn't have my half of the rent and my wife asked me what was up with it. I told her that I was going to take care of it. So then I went out was trying to hustle it up from where ever. Some days go by and she'll ask again and I would say," I got it". So then when it was time for me to put in the bank and I didn't have it. So then she would ask me, "Why didn't you just tell me that you didn't have it?". I would feel so bad, because I could see the hurt in her face. See right there now she's hurt more because I lied to her. I understand now to just be upfront, there probably will be some initial sadness or hurt but it will wear off more quickly than if you were to lie and keep the lie going. See some people think if you lied to me about this small thing, then what else are you lying to me about? I believe this is what this scripture is saying. See it's good feeling to tell the truth, I mean we all know the second part of John 8:32, "Then you will know the truth, and THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE". This saying is the truest saying ever!!! See I had to learn this the hard way, but I did learn.(Some people NEVER learn) See I believe if you tell the truth people can respect you more. This is why it's important to do this. "Honest answer is like a kiss on the lips". There is nothing better than a kiss on the lips. You can tell a lot by a kiss on the lips. Most people like kissing so much that it actually is a big turn on for them. I believe that telling the truth and kissing go hand in hand. As I come to close(Don't you love it when a Pastor or Preacher says this, because you know he got about 15 to 20 minutes left!!!!) next time you feel the need to lie, think about this, "Lying is like a kiss with no feeling it leaves you and the other person empty, but the telling the Truth is like kiss where you close your eyes and mean it and it leaves the you and the other person feeling mmm, mmm, Good!!!" Well that's it for today have a great day and be Honest with yourself and People!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Good Morning Fam!!!

Just wanted to start off this week, by telling you that if you stay positive this week you will see a change in the way things will happen for you. Staying positive is hard doing times like these when you see so much negative going on in the world. That's why it's important to keep a positive attitude towards everything. I know it's Monday and for the most part people hate Mondays but today embrace Monday and make it positive. Do something that is going to make you feel better. Go for a walk at a park or beach, read a book or the Bible, call up a friend or family member you haven't talk to in a while just to check on them, pull out some of your favorite music you haven't listen to in a while and get up and dance to it(especially if you have someone to dance with, if not dance with yourself it's ok!!!) or clean up your spot and basque in the clean ambiance. Encourage yourself to do or say something positive for you. Tell yourself, "Hey I'm Great Person" or "Hey I'm Going To Have A Great Day". It's all in the way you start your week. If you start good and positive, then it will end good and positive. Well that's it nothing to deep today. Have A GREAT DAY and Positive Week!!!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

21 Days!!!!

Good Afternoon Fam!!!!

I usually don't like to blog on Sunday's but today I just felt it. Today at church(New Philadelphia A.M.E. www.nuphilly.org) was really awesome and Pastor Gordon really brought a word. I won't go into great detail(you got buy the CD or DVD lol!!) but he spoke from Joel 2:21-29(You can read it below!). He talked about the Road to Recovery. He spoke about that no matter what you going through, if you just look to God you will get through whatever it is. Also that you shall receive the promise that God has promised you. He also challenged those who haven't been doing the fast that he assigned to us about three weeks ago to start from today the 21 day fast of just fruits and vegetables. Don't just do this to loose weight or for your personal gain, but do it for someone or something other than yourself. I encourage you to try this and watch what God begins to do for you and that situation. Well have a great rest of your Sunday. Be Blessed. Holla!!!

Joel 2:21-29

21 Be not afraid, O land;
be glad and rejoice.
Surely the LORD has done great things.

22 Be not afraid, O wild animals,
for the open pastures are becoming green.
The trees are bearing their fruit;
the fig tree and the vine yield their riches.

23 Be glad, O people of Zion,
rejoice in the LORD your God,
for he has given you
the autumn rains in righteousness.
He sends you abundant showers,
both autumn and spring rains, as before.

24 The threshing floors will be filled with grain;
the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.

25 "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—
the great locust and the young locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm
my great army that I sent among you.

26 You will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
and you will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has worked wonders for you;
never again will my people be shamed.

27 Then you will know that I am in Israel,
that I am the LORD your God,
and that there is no other;
never again will my people be shamed.

The Day of the LORD
28 "And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.

29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Gangs and Clicks

Good Morning To All My Fam!!!!

This morning I feel the need to address somethings I have observed over my time working were I work. Gangs or so called clicks. See last night there was a dance at the school in the gym. So of course we know that the local gang members who used to attend the school are going to try to come. So after a couple of hours, just like clockwork here they come. Now only one of them is a current student, all the rest have gotten kicked out for various reasons. I known mostly all them since middle school and we have pretty good relationship. So I explain to them the dance is for current students only. So of course the lip service begins, but I'm like whatever with these young bucks. See they talk a real good game but as soon as one gets his behind stomped on(which I have seen many of times) then they all run away like Ben Johnson in the 84 Olympics(1984 Olympic Tickets $200 dollars, Parking $25 dollars, America Flag $10 dollars, Seeing the expression on Carl Lewis's face when Ben Johnson crossed the line before him......Priceless!!! HAHAHA ok I'm back). So the one who is a student comes in and comes back outside about five minutes later. So they finally leave. So about an hour later they come back and try to force there way in. So this were they make a big mistake, see I am very peaceful guy until you push my buttons and I pray that NO ONE every has to see this side of me. So when they stepped up I got right with them and told them," Y'all not coming in and has simple than that". So the dumb one says "F*** Big Bert man we going in anyway". So I just look at him like he was outside of his mind. They then walked away and continued to wait in the parking lot for some of the students to come out. OK I said all of that to kinda give some insight on what I deal with on a daily basis at the high school where I work. The crazy thing is this now watch on Monday there going to come and chat it up with me and act like nothing ever happen on yesterday. This brings me to this, why do they join gangs? What is it that is so appealing to join a gang? See my father told me, like his father told him,"Son the day you join a gang, make sure you pack up your stuff and move in with them". See I got the concept that these dudes weren't going to do half the stuff my mom and dad were doing for me. So is it that today's youth is feeling like this what I have to do to survive? I try to explain to them everyday the consequences for there actions. Let's go back to last night so they waited in the parking lot for a while, so I really didn't feel like dealing with none of it, so I called my boy who works for the Sheriff's and had him send me a couple of units over. So the units came over and scooped all of them up and took them away. See consequences for there actions. Had they just left and said it's all good we not trying to get no trouble, then It would have been cool. But being stupid got them put in the back of the black and white. My theory is this, because of lack of discipline in the home, broken homes, or no parental guidance in the homes this why most of the youth join gangs or clicks. This is why it so important us as people when we interact with gang members or there associates that we must not be so quick to judge them but to embrace them and let them know someone else cares about them. See for most of them all there life they have been around negativity and hearing negative things being said to them. So the last thing they need is one more person being negative. Don't be afraid to speak to them, reach out to them or talk to them. You would be surprised how many of them just had no one to talk to so they hooked with this crew so they can be heard. Man if we can turn one of them around to the right path and show him the love and compassion that God showed us, you would be surprised because he will be able to go speak to them on there level. Well this it for today, let's be the light in this world that can be so dark at times!! Have a great weekend!! HOLLA!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Good Morning Fam!!!

Man I didn't get a chance to blog on yesterday or the day before, because I was at the funeral of one my most influential people of my life. Her name was Dr. Margret Jenkins. She was the founder of my elementary school Celeste Scott Christian School. I must say that this school is the reason why I'm not out in the streets doing whatever(that and my family stayed on my behind, like stank on boo boo!!). Yesterday was a testimony of her life to see all the students who were there, I mean besides a couple of people EVERYBODY was there. It was so good to see that everyone was doing well. Every person who got up and spoke, told the story of how much she was of a influence on them and how she cared about the children. She wasn't afraid to put the hardest of hardest gang members in there place and she commanded that respect from them. You know it made me think about how much influence we have on people who we work with, worship with, go out with or just encounter in everyday life. If you let your light shine and really be more and more like Christ just think of the effect we would have on the people we encounter everyday. Grandma Jenkins(that's we called her) let her shine all the time and was always Christlike. If she could have an effect like that on so many, what about everyone else? The Bible says in Matthew 5:16, " In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and Praise Your Father In Heaven." I believe that we were to follow this it would be begin to rub off on the other person that you are doing the deed for. Well that's it for today. Have a blessed, awesome and Fantablous Day!! Holla

Monday, March 16, 2009

Love Thy Neighbor!!

Good Morning Fam!!!!!

This morning I woke up with song by George Duke in my head. It's a reprise of song that's on his album I don't know the name of it but my Lord he is killing on piano. Anyway this past weekend I got a chance to play at this art gallery in Whittier called the Blue Bird Art house. Very nice place that had a lot of great art from local artist. They also have an outdoor patio area where they do live music, spoken word and a DJ. The spot is very well situated in the Arts District of the city. While I was there I got a chance to meet a guy and his son who performed there. He is from Africa and he was talking about the AIDS situation that is going on over there. He made a reference that they treat people with AIDS like they treated people with Leprosy in the bible. So of course you my mind starts go there. Is AIDS the modern day Leprosy? Why is that when people have this disease we treat them like if we touch them we instantly catch it? You know a lot of the children who have this disease didn't get it from having unprotected sex or doing drugs. No they were born with it. This goes to the saying that we must treat everyone the same no matter what. It's already hard enough that they have this disease, they don't need to feel any worse. In everyday life you will encounter people that are going through something whether it be sickness, disease, depression, or just plan hard times. We have to learn how to love our fellow neighbor, family, friend, or even just random person you encounter with. The bible says in Leviticus 19:18 "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." So basically if you were sick you would want someone to come and see about you. If you were going through a hard time in your life you would want somebody to be there for you. Always think about how you would want to be treated if you were in that situation that the other person is in. Hey today's goal Try Be Nice and Courteous To EVERYONE you encounter today NO MATTER WHAT!!! Well that's it for today, have a great day!! Holla!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Microwave Society!!!

Good Afternoon Fam!!!

Man I was going to talk about something else this afternoon but I gotta get this out. Why is it that people are so impatient? Why do people begin to act out when someone is not moving quick enough for them? Lastly why are people so influenced by other people?

I know I don't have answers to some of these, but I just want to talk about it for a minute. Let me explain why I'm asking these questions. OK so yesterday afternoon, I get off work and I need to run a couple of errands before I can make it to the Mi Casa. So I had to pick up some kicks I ordered from eBay from the United States Post Office in Compton. I arrive to line that is not to long but it's not really moving. So I'm chilling and this lady comes up behind me and ask how long have I been in line, I told her I had been there maybe two minutes. So everything is cool and she starts sighing and saying stuff like,"Man they need to hurry up, I gotta get this lip gloss so I go out".(First off who in the hell orders lip gloss online or through the phone, what it's a special color they only have online?? STOP IT!! Wow!!) So I just kinda of ignored her and continued to play a game on my phone. So a couple of more people came and got in the line. The line has only moved maybe twice in like 7 minutes. So the guy in the back starts talking all loud saying stuff like, " If I was white I bet you wouldn't have to go through this". Nobody responded at first, then he got louder and was like, " This don't make no sense they just back there talking and playing around". Then just that quick you kinda start hearing some people mumbling in line and then they start to agree with the dude. Then the people in line started getting real hood real quick. The whole time I'm thinking everyone was quiet and then all of a sudden it just took one dude to get everyone fired up. This is something. Was it that he said something everyone was thinking? Or because he got every ones attention that quick and they fed in to him? I really don't know the answer, but in my opinion I believe he got there attention and got them distracted off of whatever it is there were doing before he arrived. Then all of sudden it was," I need my stuff now, why I gotta I wait?" When did we become such a right now world? Why is that everything has to be right now? No one wants to wait for anything. We have become a MICROWAVE society!! It's crazy everyone has heard or said," Good things come to those who wait", but how many of us wait? I believe that even in this simple thing, God is testing us. If you can't wait in line just to get a small package, then you can't wait for God to give you the BIG PACKAGE!! I'm not saying that I have always done this, but from what I have experienced 9 times out 10 if I am rushing to do something or being impatient about something it usually doesn't go has smooth has it could have gone. How many of us have been rushing out to do something and in the process forget something? I know I am guilty!!! How many of us rush to get somewhere only to get there and find out the time has gotten pushed back or the whole thing has been canceled? Guilty of this one to!! Look even the Bible speaks in Psalms 37:7
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Two key words WAIT and PATIENTLY. I believe if we were to really practice these two things a lot of stuff wouldn't happen to us. Even with our food. I was talking to a friend of mine and they were saying that they don't have a microwave in their house. I was like what!!!!!!! Why? Because microwave's take away the some of the flavor in food and the overall taste goes down. That got me to thinking is this why we have so many people who are getting sick? Think about this for a minute, we got a lot of instant this, fast that and microwavable this. Have you ever wondered why people started getting more and more sicker? We process and make everything so convenient that foods loose the nutrients that we need to fight off certain sickness and disease. So we pay for convenience right? But at what cost? Are we loosing our heath because of convenience? Have you noticed that when you go to a CONVENIENCE store you pay extra? So are we paying extra with our bodies for being so convenient? You only get one body while your here on the earth, we gotta to take care of it. It's no wonder Jack Lalanne is like 100 years old working out two hours a day and he said," If man made it you shouldn't eat it, only eat what comes from the earth".(God created the earth right?? RIGHT!!) We have to go back to when there were people who actually cooked there food. They WAITED over the stove and were PATIENT when they had that ROAST in the oven for 9 hours, but when it was time to eat man that ROAST would be so tender and juicy and GOOD!!!!(OK this totally a side note, but even with sex how do most women like it?? NICE and SLOW!!! Don't rush take your time!!!! I'm telling you if you do this I DO DECLARE that If you are patent even in this you will see a blessing!!! MY GOD TODAY!!!!) See if we practice some of these things God can reward us with something just as TENDER and JUICY and GOOD, but you got to have PATIENCE and WAIT and trust that God is going to do what he promised!!! But if want to continue to do everything in a instant or fast or microwavable then go right ahead and miss out on the nutrients that God has for you to fight off the devil when he's trying to get at you!!! Holla at y'all tomorrow!! Have Great Afternoon!!!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

There Is No High School Musical Going On!!!

Good Morning Fam!!! Let's continue on some things I'm realizing this year so far. Before I go on let me just add on to yesterday's blog. Yesterday I talked about a man's role in a relationship I just want to add something really quick Men I know some of y'all are like I'm NOT going to do some corny crap like going on a picnic, dancing, walk along the beach, or whatever you think is corny that your girl or other has suggested. Like Joe said in his song"Baby, I wanna do All of the things your man won't do I'll do them for you"!!(YESS...ok I'm back that is the song though) Trust me sooner or later another dude is going to come and he is going to go out of his way to do ALL things you want do!!Now women if a man is doing EVERYTHING(that he is lined up with everything I talked about yesterday) that he is supposed to be doing then it is my opinion that a woman should be doing her part to make the relationship that much easier. Just my opinion.

OK lets move on.........

I gotta touch on the school system and the students. I work at high school in what some what call "the hood". I have been here about 7 years now and I have seen a lot of craziness go down. I can't say this about all schools or districts but from what I have seen here, it's really ridiculous!!! Let's start with this, the school is supposed to be here for the children right??? Wrong from what I have seen the schools are here to make money and here for themselves. From where I stand it's sad that schools are so scared to expel a student. I have seen some serious violations up here and you would be surprised at what they allow the children to do. I have seen children who get caught smoking chornic(stick icky icky) just get suspended and then allowed to come back to school. Man when I was in high school if you got caught that was immediate expulsion. Now days there like oh they will learn there lesson if we just suspend them, it will be OK. STOP!!!!!!! No it won't be OK, all you are doing is letting them know is that there are really no consquences for there actions. I can do the same thing and they cant do nothing. It's sad. Most of the children don't care about getting in trouble, because there are no consequences for there actions. Let's not even start with the parents, Oh My Lawd if I hear one more parent come up here and say no I don't believe my child would do that or no my child didn't do that or this is the classic one right here," It wasn't my child, then prove it".(man Denile is a long river that flows thru this district!!) Man I am going to scream!!!!!!! See the problem as I see it we give the children to much freedom. The Bible clearly states in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it". If we were to follow this there would be less problems with the children. But let me go back even further to the real problem I'm going to say this very clearly(clearing my throat, taking a sip of water) THEY SHOULD HAVE NEVER TOOK PRAYER OUT OF THE SCHOOLS!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I said it and so what. It's the truth you wouldn't have all this craziness that you have going on in school, drugs, sex, homosexuality, violence, weapons, graffiti, foul language, and all kind of other crap. In Luke 22:31-32"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers."(you can also reference the book of Mormon 3 Nephi 18:18-21 "Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift you as wheat."Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name;"And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."Pray in your families unto the Father, always in My name.) See right now they schools are being sifted has wheat. Had we kept God first in the schools there wouldn't be all the craziness that has been going on and people would have faith and trust the schools.(funny if you keep God FIRST in everything how everything will run smoothly..things that make you go hmmm) As parents, family, and friends we must continue to keep our children in prayer. See if satan can get to the children, then we are allowing satan to try to destroy our future. (the children are our future right??) Well that's it for today, tune in tomorrow!!! Have a great day!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Accord

Good Morning Fam,

OK so let's continue from yesterday. I have been realizing a couple of things and I guess you can say my light bulb has come on. I realized that taken care of your business is very important. Not saying that I wasn't taken care of business, OK who I am kidding I wasn't. If I had been taking care of business like I should have been I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now. I'm not only talking about taking care of business on a monetary level, but on a spiritual and relationship level. See I kinda took some things for granted, like always knowing that my other half would stick with me through whatever or like knowing that I can always just ask God for forgiveness and keep it pushing. I realized that I had to start putting forth an effort to take care of business. With my spiritual level I realized that you can't just put God on the back burner for everything else, He has to be the head for real or other wise your life will lead you no where. I know we always think that I can do what I want(I do what I want!!=inside joke) and get away with it, but at the end of the day you don't get away with anything. See if He's the head of your life then EVERYTHING will line up the way it's supposed to. From finances to favor everything will be straight. The greatest example of this is in the Bible. Matthew 14:25-32 says, Jesus came to the disciples walking on the water. Peter asked the Lord was it Him and He replied that it was and told him to come out and walk on the water with Him. Peter walked on the water with Him, until he saw the wind then he became afraid and started to sink. Then he asked Jesus to help him. Take a look at this example everything was cool as long as Peter was focused on Jesus, but as soon as he took his focus off of Jesus and started to focus or become distracted by the wind he started to sink. When we become focused on everything else we too start to sink. Yeah there may be some wind and storms in our life, but what God is telling us is that to stay focused and I(as in God) will get you through this. I have been through some rough times and now I realize that If I had stayed focused I wouldn't be where I am now. Staying focused on God will keep your relationships together and keep them fresh. See if you are doing everything that God has set forth for a man to do, then your wife or other will line up with you. But when you don't that's when problems can occur. See I realized that I wasn't be the man that God wanted me to be in my relationship. I didn't cater to my partner, I didn't treat her as the Queen that she is and I didn't lead my household. See once a female feels she's leading everything in the house, the mindset is what are you here for? I'm not talking being King Kong and beating on your chest, I'm talking spiritually as well mentally and physically. If you really listen they will be giving you hints the whole time(hell some scream it from the mountain tops!!), but like myself most men just be like fur-do-fur-do la-la-la-la everything is cool. STOP!!!!! everything is NOT cool if your partner as to suggest that y'all do this or that. If she's saying I feel like going dancing, nigga break out them Stacy Adams and bend over to floor and touch toes get low get low........OK I'm back was having moment. Men we got start being assertive in our relationships. We did a lot to get the women then once we have them we get WAY TO RELAXED!!! You got to keep doing the things you did to get them. If you were leading when you met then you continue to lead when you have them. DON'T STOP!!!! See I realize now that I wasn't listening and pay attention to my partner. She was crying out for HELP!!! I wasn't hearing her(fur-do-fur-do-la-la-la-la). A women wants to be treated as such. She doesn't want to be stressing over things. The man's job is to KEEP YOUR WOMAN STRESS FREE!!!!! Her only stress should be what I am going to do for this man who Loves me dearly(and what am I going to have on when he comes home from work!!! My Lawd That Catsuit Was Killing!!!! OK I'm Back!!)? That's it, it's up to us to keep everything a float. Your mate is a HELP MATE( she will help you mate, in more ways than one LOL!! I know I'm crazy) she is to aid you and NOT to be the lead. If I get a second chance I am going to make the most of it, I won't be the same as before TRUST and BELIEVE!!!!!!! Well I hope I helped someone today realize that as men we got to do better than what we have been doing. If we did we wouldn't have as many single women as we do. Tomorrow will be part three of some more things I realized!!!! Stay Tuned!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ok so it's been a minute since I blogged. I have been busy just trying to get things right. In the mist of the craziness that's been going on, I was brought to reality on somethings. First off is taking care of yourself. Man lately I've been helping taking care of my Grandfather. Let me tell you about this man who I still look up too. My grandfather is a smart, strong and good looking dude(that's where I get from Lol!!). I remember seeing him bust up the whole driveway with a sledge hammer by himself. I remember a him doing things that you would only see on like the world's strongest man contest. He was like 6'2 300lbs just a big guy!! He used to eat whatever and never really get got sick. Then he started to go down hill. He was diagnosed with Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. He was still active, but he didn't watch his diet. He had a series of heart attacks and diabetic episodes. He was hospitalized on numerous occasions and always bounced back, but still never ate right. Which brings us to now I really didn't realize how bad he was until I started to help out with taking care of him. He is on so many medications it's ridiculous!!! He really doesn't sleep, has signs of Dementia, can't control his bladder, has swelling in his feet and the list goes on and on. After seeing this I was like I gotta step my game up on this health thing. Drop the weight, eat right, and exercise. I feel better and more energized. People if you want to live a while and not spend most of your golden years at the doctor take care of yourself now. I was going to go on to part two but I will save it for tomorrow. Holla!!