Good Morning Fam!!!!!!
OK so I didn't blog on yesterday, I just didn't have anything to blog about. I feel like I don't want to just put up some crap!!!
OK so let's get to today's blog. This morning I want to talk about going to far. As I do every morning I read a Proverb for that day's date. So today while reading I came across this scripture Proverbs 27:12 says, " The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get into trouble". OK I read this I said to myself mmmm this is a very true scripture. Why is that even though we know we shouldn't do something, we do it anyway? You know I can remember on a few occasions doing something and being like man why did I do that. Then after I did it I felt like crap!! Example(I did this one more than once) I would get off work late from working at the club(yes I was bouncer look at the picture duh!!!) and I would say to myself the whole time I'm driving home,"Bert, don't stop get anything to eat!". So I would say to this myself like 20 times to get in my head. But what would happen? I would stop and get something anyway. Were not talk bout like just a burger or fries I'm talking bout the whole left side of the menu!!!!!! OK no but man I would pig out!!!(thank God for deliverance from that demon!!) Then what happens I would wake up like a couple hours later with heartburn or diarrhea(it's gross but true!) Wifee would wake up and be like you OK? Of course I would say yes, but she knew. She would tell me man you be snacking!!(hints right there that I was gaining weight and she was being turned off by it and probably the eating to, see my blog titled "One Accord") It was true. But that's the consequence's of going to far. Now look at the flip side. So once I stopped doing the late night eating(OK I do it every once and a while but I don't order the left side of the menu, I get the right side.....LOL Just Playing!!) I begin to notice I felt better in the morning, I slept better at night, I didn't have any heartburn anymore and I started noticing some weight loss!! See I think we can definitely apply this in our everyday lives. When you feel the need to do the most.........STOP think about the consequences of it. Ask yourself what am I accomplishing by doing this? Will this hurt or help me? What impact will it have on me now or in the future? Just remember God gives us choice you can choose to do wrong or choose to do right it's up to you. But trust me you'll feel much better if you choose right. If your not sure about it seek God, He will lead you in the right direction. OK well I'm done, hey I hope that this helps someone. Hey today(& everyday) think before you make some choices. I'll Holla!!!
Nice dude! You got the frame of mind it takes