Good Morning Fam!!!!!!!!!!
-Me in Palos Verdes!!! Man it was nice!!!
So I didn't have the time to get my blog on yesterday. So before I get into what I am going to talk about this morning I gotta recap the weekend. So Friday night I worked a dance at the high school I work at. It was cool, I was tripping out because they were playing 80's music. I had to ask them what they know about that? I mean they knew every word to almost ever song. That tripped me out. So anyway that night I got home and I had a chance to look at Amos and Andy. They were way before there time with the jokes and quick deliveries. I then went to bathroom and looked in the mirror(I'm Talking To The Man In Mirror, OOO OOO, I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways!!!!! Man I think Mike was trying to tell us something way back then!!!! LOL!!). You what I saw? This dude with hair!!!!!!!! Man I was like what in the hell was I thinking. That's not who am I. I am the dude with the grooves in his head that all the kids are intrigued by. So I cut it off. I felt so much better after I did. OK Sat was good to I did a wedding in Palos Verdes on the cliff over looking the coastline. Very beautiful. Of course I went church on sunday and played for three services!!!!(Come and Visit OK so that was my weekend, let's move on to my topic for today. Choices!!!!

So I was driving into work this morning I saw one of my students at the bus stop, so I stopped and asked if he wanted a ride because it was super cold this morning. So he hop's in the Grand Daddy Truck and we roll on to school. So I asked him how he was doing and replied great. He was excited that he got all his stuff together and was ready for graduation. He was explaining to me that he made up his mind to take of his business and graduate. Also did I mention he is going to be the first in his family to do so!! Man I was so proud of this young man. I have been knowing since 7th grade and now to see him about to walk into man hood is really something. He chose to take care of his business and do the things he wants to do. See God give us choices in life. Example you can choose to serve Him or choose not too. Each one has a consequence, one is good the other is bad. You decide. See Joshua 24:15 says, "But if the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But has for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" This so true you don't have to choose what your fathers, mothers or whoever chose to do, the choice is yours. Heaven or Hell???(I think I'll take Heaven for $500 Alex) The group Blacksheep had some insight to this as well, "You can get with this or you can get with that, you can get with this or you can get with that, you can get with this or you can get with that, you can get with this, cause this is where it's at."(chorus from "The Choice Is Yours") Even the group(the Pharcyde) who I play drums for has a song called "Choices". See everyone knows it but some people don't do it!!! The choice between rather to do something right or wrong most of the time is a no brainier. When you really look at it most of the time it's common sense. Don't eat this, don't run the red light, don't speed and so on and so forth. Today make some right choices!!!! If everyone where to make the right decisions we wouldn't be where we are now but then God allowed it right??? Think about it. Have a great day I'll holla!!!!!!!
Glad to have yo bald head back!! Keep shining!! Peace, Chase.