Ok so it's been a minute since I blogged. I have been busy just trying to get things right. In the mist of the craziness that's been going on, I was brought to reality on somethings. First off is taking care of yourself. Man lately I've been helping taking care of my Grandfather. Let me tell you about this man who I still look up too. My grandfather is a smart, strong and good looking dude(that's where I get from Lol!!). I remember seeing him bust up the whole driveway with a sledge hammer by himself. I remember a him doing things that you would only see on like the world's strongest man contest. He was like 6'2 300lbs just a big guy!! He used to eat whatever and never really get got sick. Then he started to go down hill. He was diagnosed with Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. He was still active, but he didn't watch his diet. He had a series of heart attacks and diabetic episodes. He was hospitalized on numerous occasions and always bounced back, but still never ate right. Which brings us to now I really didn't realize how bad he was until I started to help out with taking care of him. He is on so many medications it's ridiculous!!! He really doesn't sleep, has signs of Dementia, can't control his bladder, has swelling in his feet and the list goes on and on. After seeing this I was like I gotta step my game up on this health thing. Drop the weight, eat right, and exercise. I feel better and more energized. People if you want to live a while and not spend most of your golden years at the doctor take care of yourself now. I was going to go on to part two but I will save it for tomorrow. Holla!!
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