Good Morning Fam!!!
Man I didn't get a chance to blog on yesterday or the day before, because I was at the funeral of one my most influential people of my life. Her name was Dr. Margret Jenkins. She was the founder of my elementary school Celeste Scott Christian School. I must say that this school is the reason why I'm not out in the streets doing whatever(that and my family stayed on my behind, like stank on boo boo!!). Yesterday was a testimony of her life to see all the students who were there, I mean besides a couple of people EVERYBODY was there. It was so good to see that everyone was doing well. Every person who got up and spoke, told the story of how much she was of a influence on them and how she cared about the children. She wasn't afraid to put the hardest of hardest gang members in there place and she commanded that respect from them. You know it made me think about how much influence we have on people who we work with, worship with, go out with or just encounter in everyday life. If you let your light shine and really be more and more like Christ just think of the effect we would have on the people we encounter everyday. Grandma Jenkins(that's we called her) let her shine all the time and was always Christlike. If she could have an effect like that on so many, what about everyone else? The Bible says in Matthew 5:16, " In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and Praise Your Father In Heaven." I believe that we were to follow this it would be begin to rub off on the other person that you are doing the deed for. Well that's it for today. Have a blessed, awesome and Fantablous Day!! Holla
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