Ok I have to quickly talk about something before I move on to my topic for the morning. Yesterday I went to enroll in school at Musicians Institute in Hollywood. So me living in the CPT I caught the metro to save money on gas and parking. So this is what I noticed, the metro has become like a "Moving Swapmeet", I say that because like every other stop someone was getting on selling something. From candy to tamales(when the fast is over this will be on of my stops!!) to clothes to jewelry. I was just amazed by the hustle. I can't knock them for trying to make that money especially in the state that were in right now. Keep Hustling!!!!

Ok now on to my topic for the morning,
"And The I's Have It!" Ok so I was talking to some of my friends last night and we began to talk about some different situations kinda all dealing with selfishness. So I gotta talk about it this morning. Selfishness is probably on of the worse things a person can be. I say this because those people who are, really have some issues. How can you ever be blessed if you are selfish? See it can't always be about me, myself and I
(Great Song By De La Soul). Yes sometimes you have to do stuff for yourself and I am all for that. But what about when your mate wants to do something and because of your selfishness or jealousy you turn your nose up to it and tell them no or discourage them not to do it. Example, A friend of mind was telling me last night that there significant other was against them continuing their education. They explained that they said
,"Well what about me? What I am supposed to do while your doing that?" They went on and on about how they shouldn't go on with it. I was in shock that a mate would even say something like that. I explained that don't they see the benefits of doing this. Yes it's a sacrifice right now
(man Jesus sacrificed His Life, I mean come on if He can do that for us....), but in the long run it will pay off. Building for the future is always important. Then another one of my friends told me the it was the same with them. They were in school and their mate told them to drop out and just work full time instead of trying to do both. Who in the hell tells their mate to drop out school?? People what is going on here? Why can't we celebrate and encourage each other to do the things that will enhance us has people? You know this made me think about this movie with Aaliyah
(She Was Fine & Talented RIP) called
"Romeo Must Die". In the movie you have two mobsters
(one Asian, one Black)who sent there right hand men to gain property so they can get a big pay day by this investment company who wants the property for a football stadium. Anyway there was a scene when the black right hand man went to obtain some property from this fisherman. They right hand man tells the dude to sign over the property, the fisherman tells him no. He then pulls out a gun and force's him to sign. The fisherman tells the right hand man has he is walking away,
"It's sad that we got be like these crabs, every time one tries to get out another pulls it back down." It's sad that people have this mentally. Philippians 2:3 says
,"Do nothing out of selfish ambition, or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself." That right there should tell you that we need to be considerate of others Especially your mate. We have to come out the
CRAB mentality. Some one once told me that you can't be blessed, with a closed hand. Open your hand and let God put something amazing in it!!! Today encourage someone other than yourself!!! The I's don't always have it!! Holla!!!
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