Good Afternoon Fam!!!
Man I was going to talk about something else this afternoon but I gotta get this out. Why is it that people are so impatient? Why do people begin to act out when someone is not moving quick enough for them? Lastly why are people so influenced by other people?
I know I don't have answers to some of these, but I just want to talk about it for a minute. Let me explain why I'm asking these questions. OK so yesterday afternoon, I get off work and I need to run a couple of errands before I can make it to the Mi Casa. So I had to pick up some kicks I ordered from eBay from the United States Post Office in Compton. I arrive to line that is not to long but it's not really moving. So I'm chilling and this lady comes up behind me and ask how long have I been in line, I told her I had been there maybe two minutes. So everything is cool and she starts sighing and saying stuff like,"Man they need to hurry up, I gotta get this lip gloss so I go out".(First off who in the hell orders lip gloss online or through the phone, what it's a special color they only have online?? STOP IT!! Wow!!) So I just kinda of ignored her and continued to play a game on my phone. So a couple of more people came and got in the line. The line has only moved maybe twice in like 7 minutes. So the guy in the back starts talking all loud saying stuff like, " If I was white I bet you wouldn't have to go through this". Nobody responded at first, then he got louder and was like, " This don't make no sense they just back there talking and playing around". Then just that quick you kinda start hearing some people mumbling in line and then they start to agree with the dude. Then the people in line started getting real hood real quick. The whole time I'm thinking everyone was quiet and then all of a sudden it just took one dude to get everyone fired up. This is something. Was it that he said something everyone was thinking? Or because he got every ones attention that quick and they fed in to him? I really don't know the answer, but in my opinion I believe he got there attention and got them distracted off of whatever it is there were doing before he arrived. Then all of sudden it was," I need my stuff now, why I gotta I wait?" When did we become such a right now world? Why is that everything has to be right now? No one wants to wait for anything. We have become a MICROWAVE society!! It's crazy everyone has heard or said," Good things come to those who wait", but how many of us wait? I believe that even in this simple thing, God is testing us. If you can't wait in line just to get a small package, then you can't wait for God to give you the BIG PACKAGE!! I'm not saying that I have always done this, but from what I have experienced 9 times out 10 if I am rushing to do something or being impatient about something it usually doesn't go has smooth has it could have gone. How many of us have been rushing out to do something and in the process forget something? I know I am guilty!!! How many of us rush to get somewhere only to get there and find out the time has gotten pushed back or the whole thing has been canceled? Guilty of this one to!! Look even the Bible speaks in Psalms 37:7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Two key words WAIT and PATIENTLY. I believe if we were to really practice these two things a lot of stuff wouldn't happen to us. Even with our food. I was talking to a friend of mine and they were saying that they don't have a microwave in their house. I was like what!!!!!!! Why? Because microwave's take away the some of the flavor in food and the overall taste goes down. That got me to thinking is this why we have so many people who are getting sick? Think about this for a minute, we got a lot of instant this, fast that and microwavable this. Have you ever wondered why people started getting more and more sicker? We process and make everything so convenient that foods loose the nutrients that we need to fight off certain sickness and disease. So we pay for convenience right? But at what cost? Are we loosing our heath because of convenience? Have you noticed that when you go to a CONVENIENCE store you pay extra? So are we paying extra with our bodies for being so convenient? You only get one body while your here on the earth, we gotta to take care of it. It's no wonder Jack Lalanne is like 100 years old working out two hours a day and he said," If man made it you shouldn't eat it, only eat what comes from the earth".(God created the earth right?? RIGHT!!) We have to go back to when there were people who actually cooked there food. They WAITED over the stove and were PATIENT when they had that ROAST in the oven for 9 hours, but when it was time to eat man that ROAST would be so tender and juicy and GOOD!!!!(OK this totally a side note, but even with sex how do most women like it?? NICE and SLOW!!! Don't rush take your time!!!! I'm telling you if you do this I DO DECLARE that If you are patent even in this you will see a blessing!!! MY GOD TODAY!!!!) See if we practice some of these things God can reward us with something just as TENDER and JUICY and GOOD, but you got to have PATIENCE and WAIT and trust that God is going to do what he promised!!! But if want to continue to do everything in a instant or fast or microwavable then go right ahead and miss out on the nutrients that God has for you to fight off the devil when he's trying to get at you!!! Holla at y'all tomorrow!! Have Great Afternoon!!!!!!
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