Good Evening Fam!!!!!!!!!!
Ok Ok Ok Ok so I have been getting the 15th degree about me not blogging. I truly apologize but I have been very productive to say the least. School is going good, music is great, church is great, family is good and God is AWESOME!! Ok so I will try to put forth more effort in doing this again. Plus I do I have a lot that has been stored up so get ready!!!!!!!
Ok so for tonight I want to talk Dying To Yourself!!!! I know, I know that's crazy talk!!! But it's the truth. So tonight my boy PS3(Phil) and I were leaving church(nuphilly.org) and we began to talk about somethings. Then he said something that got the wheels turning(the wheels on the bus go round and round) he said, "Sometimes people do what feels good for the moment, but what makes you feel good for the moment, may not be good for your future." It didn't really hit me until I had gotten to the corner what he had just said. Man we has people do a lot of things that make us feel good for the moment, but it is really good for our future? I can use myself as an example, ok so Monday I read a book about fasting(Thanks Dr. Gordon) and decided to go on a fast starting on Tuesday. So that Monday night I went to my moms because she had food left over from Mother's Day(Oh yeah Happy Be-Lated Mothers Day if I hadn't told you already). So I go and get the Mac and Cheese(she makes it with wheat noodles now, so it's more healthy!!), cornbread dressing, a slice of sweat potato pie and a slice of carrot cake. Now I was like oh yeah this will be a good last meal before my fast. So I DESTROYED all of it!!!! See it was good for the moment!!! But the future was totally different, I felt so sick the next morning I couldn't eat anything that whole day. Now had I just got a little bit and ate that I would have been cool, but no I got all that food and was feeling like John Witherspoon in Friday