Thursday, August 11, 2011

So Emotional!!!!

Hey Family!!!!!

So it's been a while since I have blogged, I will be back to at least once a week I promise!!!

This morning I woke up with this on my mind...I remember a message that I heard about on the mind and heart. It was a great message and it made me realize some things in my own personal life. The message spoke on how the heart is just like another brain. It controls mostly your emotional side of your being. Which is why people are always saying just follow your heart. But what if your heart gets you in trouble?? See because it controls most of your emotions, you might be making a emotional decision and not even realize it(Singing Carl Thomas,"So emotional and I can't let go".....Thats My Jam LOL!!!). Decisions made on emotions will and can get you in to trouble. I can use myself as an example, a while back somethings had happen at a church were I was playing drums. The pastor had said somethings I didn't like and did somethings I didn't agree with as well(Ok I was really upset because the pay got cut and he didn't even say nothing to me and some personal things I shared with him ended up in his message!! You know a brother got bills!!! LOL!! Still no reason for me to do what I did though!!). So after service was over with I decided to give the pastor a piece of my mind.(Side note sometimes it's better to keep that piece to yourself, MESSAGE!!! LOL!!) So the scene got really bad. The armor bearer tried to hit me from behind(but my dad all of 5'3 got to him before he got to me and let him have it....Dude I was like wow ok Daddy!!!) and fight almost broke out in the church parking lot all over a misunderstanding and me wearing my emotions on my sleeve. See if I had just been like Lady Gaga(Poker Face LOL) and played it cool all of that wouldn't have happen. The bible clearly says in Exodus 14:14 "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." Now I know we sing the song about this scripture backwards,(I can hear papa singing it now, "If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battle, Victory, Victory shall be mine!!) but either way it makes total sense. We always want to fight or do things ourselves, but God is saying hey I got you, just chill out I already gave you the Victory!!!! If you look at it this ties in with dying to your self(Check my out blog entitled Dying To One's Self) Now whats funny is this you usually have this convo with yourself before it all happens, " Wow I can't believe that just happen, it's all good I'm just going to let it go......dude if I wasn't saved I would catch that negro on the street and we can get it know what I'm going to let him(or her) have it when this over with!!" I don't know if you noticed but what happens there is a voice of reason first that says let it go and then the second voice(which by the way is the one we act on most of the time) is saying let's get it on(not in the Marvin Gaye way either)! This is why we sometimes say my first mind said this or that. That is usually God or what I believe to be the Godly mindset that He has put into all of us. We have to learn how to just be in line with Him and that includes emotionally. We can't make decisions based on emotions, because God didn't make you based on emotions. He didn't wake you up this morning based on emotions. He doesn't bless you even though you probably don't deserve it based on emotions. No He does those things because He loves us and cares for us. So I 'll leave you with this, the next time you feel emotionally about something, stop and say to yourself God you are not an emotional God, but a God of peace, love. understanding and a sound mind. I need those qualities in this situation that I am going through. Give me peace so that I may continue to not walk in conflict, give me a loving spirit so that I may show love just like you show me love even when I don't deserve it, give me understanding so that I know how to treat this situation and give me a sound mind so that when a situation(or whatever situation) like this comes again I will know how to operate even better. I pray this blesses you today. Today don't get upset when someone cuts you off or does something crazy, just say a blessing over them and keep it pushing!!! Much Love!!!!