Good Morning Fam!!!!!
Ok yeah I know I have been getting calls and emails about me not blogging as much as I was.....for this I am sorry but I will try to keep up.
Today I want to just holla at ya'll for a minute about staying focused. My pastor Dr. Sherman Gordon(www.nuphilly.com or www.shermangordonministries.org) has been ripping for the last like couple of months and lately he's been like literally in my house drinking coffee with his messages. He preached one called "Staying Focused", yeah he had cream with his coffee on this day. Lately I can really say that I was beginning to loose focus on some things that I had set out to do and things that I know that God wants me to do. How do we loose focus? What causes us to really get sidetracked on things that we need to do? Well of course my grandfather would say, "Thats the devil". True a lot of the time it is the devil, but a lot of the time it's just us. We get in the way of ourselves. I 'll use myself as the Ginny pig for this. So you know I been doing real good working out, trying to eat right and be healthy. So why is that I can just drop all that to go to Winchell's at 3am to get that hot apple fritter(my Lord that thang was good) and some milk? Well if I had just took my behind to bed I would have been good, but no I stayed working on somethings and got distracted by a text someone sent me talking about some donuts!!! Just that quick my mind went from me working to Donuts!!!! Had I just stayed focused and do what I usually do(which is turn my phone down so I can't hear it) I would have been good. But even past the phone thing, I should be able to have control and stay focused. That story might be kinda light but look at it, self control and staying focused go hand and hand.(Like Peaches and Herb or Hot Sauce and Chicken or Ashford and Simpson!!!!LOL!!). Ok so how can we stay focused? Well for starters praying works, but even past praying is reading the bible. Whats funny is this I read a Proverb everyday, on the day's where I forget to read it that morning, something happens where I make a misjudgement call or "Loose Focus". Now I cant speak for everyone but I think making a effort to read everyday gives you the wisdom and direction to stay focused. Further more just making an effort period to saying "Look man I ain't falling no banana in my tailpipe".(Too much Beverly Hills Cop!!) But you get idea, to stay focus you can get a lot more accomplished and feel better about what your doing. God will truly bless us if we stay focus on Him. So as I come to a close(I love it when preacher's say that, cause it means like 15 more minutes!!). Try to put forth an effort to read your bible and pray every morning, I truly believe that it will make a difference in the way your day goes. Ok were standing let there be one!!!!!!
Till next time!!!! Holla!!!!
Love you Big Bert. Its a constant struggle to separate ourselves from stuff that distracts us fo sho. Being clean and sober I've found my newest addiction is information. I can't stop reading the news man!! Real news of course, no FOX junk. I guess theres worst things to be addicted to. I've noticed how we sometimes subconsciously end up defining ourselves by our addictions. The things you own end up owning you and I'm glad to be part of this constant push and pull of detaching myself from what I truly NEED and what I'm accustomed to. I keep perspective by knowing how blessed we are to live where we do but I also NEVER look the other way when so many injustices are being wrought all over the world and knowing history has been my greatest tool in putting things in perspective. Thats what helps keep me on track. Haha, its like a War on Terror, its endless, only I'm inspired to teach and help alleviate any misery I can. You're an inspiration brother.
ReplyDeleteIt is soooo true Bert! When I'm reading my bible consistently and staying focused on him, its so easy to do what you are suppose to do. However, when you don't, you find yourself doing all sorts of things you said you WOULDN"T!!!! Thanks for the encouragment. I'm sooo proud of you as a young black Christian man...love ya!