Good Morning Fam!!!!!!
I didn't get a chance to blog on yesterday so I will combine what I wanted to talk about yesterday with today. This morning I woke up and I said Lord You Holy and I thank You. Even though I probably didn't deserve it, but He did it. Ok let's go on to my topic "Now Is The Time To Move Forward".
Yesterday was my last day working at the High School where I have worked for about 3 three years(I'm going to the night shift, "The Night Shift" good song!!). It was hard saying goodbye to my co workers, my students, and some friends that I gained al0ng the way. I must admit even a big guy like myself can get kinda choked up and overwhelmed. I was yesterday as they were telling how much there going to miss me and how much fun we had(Hey guys I going to miss you too and we had a whole lotta fun 7,3,18,62,31,46,48 yall my dawgs forreal and forever No B____A__Ness!!). So as I gave my supervisor my keys, reality hit me that this is really happening. I was like wow God is doing His thing. Even though I saw God doing His thing with this whole situation I was still was in disbelief of it. So I go to my locker to start the clean out process(man I accumulated a lot of junk in there"No More Clutter, In My Life!!") and my co worker who was waiting so she can get my locker said, "Hey Bert whats that small paper taped to your locker?" I was like huh? So I stick my head in and looked. I was almost brought to tears but by what it said. "Now Is The Time To Move Forward" I couldn't believe this. It was one of those fortune cookie papers. Now I don't believe in those what so ever, but this one just got me. See I believe as believers that God is trying to make us go forward and trust him TOTALLY so that He can do what he needs to do in our lives. But what happens, the I's get in the way(read my blog the I's have it) we got out and try to do everything ourselves and then end up messing it up worse than it was. We have to let God do His thing and everything will line up the way it's supposed to. It's hard sometimes letting go of things, people and places. But if we just stay focused on Him, He will work everything out(Jesus will work it out Jesus will work it out, my aunt lead that song wow!!!). Has I step into a new chapter in my life, I am excited about what God is doing and I know that I need to stay focused on Him so that I don't miss the bus("I Miss The Bus, Oww, I Miss The Bus, Oww, I Miss The Bus and something that I'll never ever do again!!!" From The Album "Totally Krossed Out" By Kris Kross. I know I wasn't the only who like this group or was I??). I know it's hard and I will be the first to admit it does get hard, but you gotta stay focused on Him and Read His Word and put it in your heart!!!!Well that's it for today, oh wait hey if your not doing anything tonight my jazz trio(www.myspace.com/thechuckboogietrio) is playing at The Contential Room 115 Santa Fe Ave Fullerton,Ca. Downbeat is at 10.30pm It should be fun!! Tomorrow you need to come and be spiritually fed by my Pastor, Dr. Sherman A. Gordon 19100 Susana Rd, Rancho Dominguez(Compton), Ca(www.nuphilly.org)7.30 am and 10am(I'll See Ya There!!! Pastor Dequer!!). Hey today pray and move yourself out the way("Move get out the way, get out the way, get out the way" ok I'm back!!) so God can truly begin to work somethings out in your life and you can move forward!!!! Holla!!!
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