Monday, April 13, 2009

Thankful For Obedience!!!


Good Afternoon FAM!!!

Ok so today I won't be before you long(I love it Pastors, Preachers, or anyone who speaks says this because they usually are before you super long!!). Ok so on yesterday I had a great Resurrection day!! Pastor brought a great word or should I say words because he preached two different messages at 6am and 9am(check out get copies of both messages). I gotta say that I'm thankful for God looking out for me and me taking heed to His direction. Man have you ever just stopped and realized that on a Daily basis God allows things NOT to happen to you for being obedient(Even sometimes while you disobedient, but we'll talk about that later!!).....Man you would be thanking, praising and worshiping Him. What's even more crazy is that if you were to REALLY read the bible(not just scan it while your at church). He tells us this in the bible about heeding His instruction and being obedient. Samuel 15:22 says, "But Samuel answered, "What pleases the Lord more: burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to his voice. It is better to obey better than sacrifice. It is better to listen to God than to offer the fat of sheep." At the end of the day you want to be found pleasing in His eyesight. So you need to obey His word and obey Him. Ok so as stated in some of my other blogs I read Proverbs everyday this morning was Proverbs 13. The first verse states,"A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker doesn't listen to the rebuke." Ok that's it in itself. HEED your Father's instruction. Need I say more on this on. Ok I gotta backtrack because the I read Proverbs 12 and 13 this morning. In Proverbs 12:1 " Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." Ok that's not a misprint nor did I put these words in the Bible. Yes it says STUPID!!!!! I was shocked as well. But it's the truth I mean it is so true. Sometimes it hurts because you don't understand why He is disciplining you, but when you finally get it WOW!!! Then you look and say I am SO THANKFUL that he did stop me in my tracks!!! When God is trying to work some stuff, allow Him to do it. You will be so much better off if you do. It's hard but continue to stay focused on Him and He will get you through it!! Have a great night!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Be Ye Ready!!!!!!!!

Good Morning Fam!!!!!

Ok so it has been way too long since I have blogged. I can say that I have been VERY PRODUCTIVE!!!! I started school on Monday and I must say that even though it's music school, still gotta study to show thyself approved!! Man I love what I am learning and can't wait to apply it!! 

So today I want to talk about "Be Ye Ready". So I live Compton and I catch the train to school everyday. In a previous blog I spoke about the different people I encounter on a daily basis. Well this morning wasn't any different I hop on the train and break out my Ipod and Bible(I read a Proverb a day, man I find something new every time!!). So as finish up reading and say my prayer,I noticed a lady and her two daughters got on the train. There was nothing unusual about her. Has I got into the worship portion of my Ipod, I began to see something different about her. She looked like she was in pain. So I began to pray to ask God was He allowing me to see the pain so that I can pray for her. As we got closer to the last stop God spoke and told me to let her know that everything was going to be alright!! So we got off and went down to the Red Line, I waited for the right time and I approached her. I told her exactly what God told me to tell her and she broke down in tears and said I hope so. I explain to her that God has already taken care of whatever it is. I asked her If I could pray with her she said yes. So we prayed and she continued to weep and Thank God. She was so thankful we both almost missed our train. I truly felt that God was doing His thing in her life and that whatever she was dealing with was truly over. I have ask myself had this been about 2 years ago would I have been obedient to God and prayed? See I know now that one of the reasons why I pray and read the Word is so that I can be ready for what God might have for me to do. See we have to be ready daily to minister or pray for someone or something and not be ashamed of Him, He is not ashamed of you. Matthew 24:44 says,"So you must also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him".(Ok For those of you whose Grandparents or Parents said it in the King James Version, "Therefore Be Ye Also Ready:for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.") I believe that scripture says it all. Stay Ready!!!! Not only for when He comes back, but in everyday that He allows us to walk this earth. (Also a side note, don't forget to Praise and Worship Him, you will be surprised at the results!!!) Today check and make sure you ready!!!! Have a great day!!!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Now Is The Time To Move Forward!!!!

Good Morning Fam!!!!!!

I didn't get a chance to blog on yesterday so I will combine what I wanted to talk about yesterday with today. This morning I woke up and I said Lord You Holy and I thank You. Even though I probably didn't deserve it, but He did it. Ok let's go on to my topic "Now Is The Time To Move Forward".

Yesterday was my last day working at the High School where I have worked for about 3 three years(I'm going to the night shift, "The Night Shift" good song!!). It was hard saying goodbye to my co workers, my students, and some friends that I gained al0ng the way. I must admit even a big guy like myself can get kinda choked up and overwhelmed. I was yesterday as they were telling how much there going to miss me and how much fun we had(Hey guys I going to miss you too and we had a whole lotta fun 7,3,18,62,31,46,48 yall my dawgs forreal and forever No B____A__Ness!!). So as I gave my supervisor my keys, reality hit me that this is really happening. I was like wow God is doing His thing. Even though I saw God doing His thing with this whole situation I was still was in disbelief of it. So I go to my locker to start the clean out process(man I accumulated a lot of junk in there"No More Clutter, In My Life!!") and my co worker who was waiting so she can get my locker said, "Hey Bert whats that small paper taped to your locker?" I was like huh? So I stick my head in and looked. I was almost brought to tears but by what it said. "Now Is The Time To Move Forward" I couldn't believe this. It was one of those fortune cookie papers. Now I don't believe in those what so ever, but this one just got me. See I believe as believers that God is trying to make us go forward and trust him TOTALLY so that He can do what he needs to do in our lives. But what happens, the I's get in the way(read my blog the I's have it) we got out and try to do everything ourselves and then end up messing it up worse than it was. We have to let God do His thing and everything will line up the way it's supposed to. It's hard sometimes letting go of things, people and places. But if we just stay focused on Him, He will work everything out(Jesus will work it out Jesus will work it out, my aunt lead that song wow!!!). Has I step into a new chapter in my life, I am excited about what God is doing and I know that I need to stay focused on Him so that I don't miss the bus("I Miss The Bus, Oww, I Miss The Bus, Oww, I Miss The Bus and something that I'll never ever do again!!!" From The Album "Totally Krossed Out" By Kris Kross. I know I wasn't the only who like this group or was I??). I know it's hard and I will be the first to admit it does get hard, but you gotta stay focused on Him and Read His Word and put it in your heart!!!!Well that's it for today, oh wait hey if your not doing anything tonight my jazz trio( is playing at The Contential Room 115 Santa Fe Ave Fullerton,Ca. Downbeat is at 10.30pm It should be fun!! Tomorrow you need to come and be spiritually fed by my Pastor, Dr. Sherman A. Gordon 19100 Susana Rd, Rancho Dominguez(Compton), Ca( am and 10am(I'll See Ya There!!! Pastor Dequer!!). Hey today pray and move yourself out the way("Move get out the way, get out the way, get out the way" ok I'm back!!) so God can truly begin to work somethings out in your life and you can move forward!!!! Holla!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making Up Your Mind Already!!

Good Morning Fam!!!!!!!

I did not blog yesterday because my Pastor put us on a fruit juice and water fast along with limited to no cell phone or Internet uses and no television(at least that's what I thought he said, it was good that I didn't though I felt much better). So today I want to talk about Making Up Your Mind.

Last night I went to Bible Study for the first time at my church( I usually have a rehearsal every Wednesday night but last night I was off so I decided to go. I was very very happy that I did attend. Pastor spoke about "Taming The Tongue". I won't go into detail but read James 3:1-12, make sure read it in ALL the versions(NIV, King James, New King James, Amplified, English Standard, Korean, Russian ok I went to far but you get it the picture!!!) so you can really get it. Ok so anyway some people last night brought up some really good points. One of them was "Decisions". This one stuck out to me because my last blog was about "Choices". I think the two go hand and hand. Why is it hard for people to make up there mind to do something? Have you ever had this happen, "Hey lets go get something to eat, where do you wanna go? Umm I don't know you choose. Ok well I don't know either." You go back and forth and before you know it you end at the same ole place because no one can make up there mind. I know I am so guilty of this. I would be so indecisive when it comes to little things like where to eat, what movie to watch, what do for the night, and I think the biggest one for some males and a lot of females is what to wear(Don't look at me in that tone voice!!!!LOL!!). But why do we have this problem? This is just my theory, it's in your mind!! I think we get so caught up in planning out bigger stuff that when we get to the small things we can do it. I feel that if you can create this big plan for your job or for anything that is relatively significant than you should be able to do this with small things. You have be able to set in your mind that I am going to make sure that I plan out everything. Now please don't get me wrong being spontaneous is a great thing!! It keeps you on your toes!! I will be the first to admit that I love to be spontaneous, but sometimes it can get out of hand. You got to make up your mind that I will no longer be indecisive but I will take initiative. Even with serving God you need to make up your mind that I am going to go all out for God(He went all out for us, when He sent his son!!). I'm going to go far and above from the norm to be found pleasing in His eyesight. Today take the first step in making up your mind, try to start small then go step by step. My great granddaddy use to say,"If you take one step, God will take two". Take the step and see what God can do for you. Have a FANTABULOUS day!!!